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You’re an Athlete Looking for an Edge, But You Don’t Know What Else to do…

You’ve got all these gurus, teachers and coaches saying that their program is the best… That they have the best exercises, the best technique, the best form, the best results..


You already go to practice for 2 hours every day and train hard, but your body can only handle so much. By adding more training you risk injury by overtraining.  And let’s be honest, if you’re an athlete, you’re probably already doing a lot of that same stuff at practice.

But You Need a Competitive Advantage Somehow…

Let’s face it, you don’t have time or money to waste.  But at the same time outside of practice, you’re still an athlete, right? 

The real question is…

What can you do to become better during the time your competition is ‘chillin’…? 

How can you learn to become a better athlete, and then apply what you learn to your training?

I Remember Being in the Exact Same Position  

I wanted to learn how to become a better athlete.  

But my classes weren’t teaching me that…

I wanted to get faster, and wanted to get a scholarship. 

But I wasn’t learning how to get to the next level…

I felt like I had hit a brick wall!

She had won all of her races…

She had got scholarship offers…

She was on a serious team…

She had a serious Coach… 

Who taught me the Secrets to Getting Faster without Training Harder

He taught me to Train Smarter!

Now, It’s my mission to help others just like myself!

I was the guy who wanted to go to University… 

To make my mom proud, but knew that I could never afford it.

So I had to figure out a way.

I learned what an Athletic Scholarship was and dreamed of getting one.

I trained as hard as I could…

But it wasn’t good enough to get recruited.

I began to think what regular people believed.  

That it was too hard….  

That my goals were too big!  

That I wasn’t training hard enough. 

I didn’t know what else to do…

So, I tried vert programs, and strength programs, and power skating!

But still wasn’t getting results.

I was so frustrated, I was starting to give up…

Then, by the grace of God, my life changed.

I heard of a girl who was getting Athletic Scholarship Offers.

This was what I needed to hear to keep my dream alive.

I found out that she belonged to a competitive track team.  

Her coach was a serious man named Coach Nigro.

I joined the same track team and had a life changing talk with Coach Nigro.

He taught me the difference between Training Hard and Training Smart.

What he said taught me that I could Train Smart for all of the hours of a day, not just the 2 at practice.

I applied exactly what he taught me, 

and achieved my dream of getting a 4 Year Full Ride Scholarship to D1 University

I graduated with a Degree in Psychology.  

And Finally, made my mom the proudest Mom on the Planet.


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