Build Sustainable, Premium Homes … Starting From 3-5k Per Room.


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Check out land prices and savings in your area. Modify the red text. Not promising anything regarded to money saving. No typical result. Just make a quick calculation how much money you could save buying the picture perfect view in your area on a land nobody wants. Fill in your own numbers. I can bet the difference could buy quite a few solar panels.

This club is for the early implementer. If you’re not like that it’s not for you. It’s not for victim mindset persons. Please close the website now. It’s not for you and you’re not for us.

We promise nothing here, just rock solid engineering and architectural ideas that endure the worst of the worst conditions for an affordable price. What you do with the tools, mastermind group that’s your responsibility. We have and promiss absolutely no typical result. Especially when we talk about houses.

Like a gym membership.You can blink on it all day and eat ice cream. You actually have to implement the ideas. If you’re a member that doesn’t mean your monthly bills will vanish at your current home. None of bank CEOs will knock on your door to give you free money and best architects and engineers and craftsmen to build your perfect home.

If banks are not even considering you. With this houses the odds are they will do. And it will be a good deal for them and a good deal for you as well. You wont be at risk. They wont be at risk. You’ll might end up playing the rich mans game. Even with small money.

Nothing about these houses, or being part of a club is typical. Come join us. And see how far you can push the benefits. Join the club then decide. Discuss ideas, ask questions, come up with upgrades and request solutions. Have an easy life.

Check out the lower part of the page. Click on the “old articles” or on my “linkedin” account. You’ll see my oldest articles: written a few years back about how to save fortunes with a premium, sustainable houses.


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